Sunday, January 25, 2009

And now for somethng completely different

I keep getting chastised for not writing more. It seems odd that when I had to write for the paper for all of those years it seemed sort of fun. Now that I write for more for pleasure than money I cant seem to get on the stick.

I have had a great week. I just finished a week of workforce development training for NWACC with a group of employees from a new concept assisted living community. I have to say it was one of the best teaching weeks of my life. I actually had a small tear in my eye as one of the students was happily explaining how she made one of the desserts for a special graduation luncheon. She had tried to make homemade brownies but technical difficulties rendered them less than edible. But a little ice cream, coconut and chocolate sauce and viola you have vanilla brownie snowballs. She could not have been prouder. God I love to teach. On top of that the group and their trustees bought 18 cookbooks which cash was promptly turned into an all out dinner at Table Mesa on the square in Bentonville. More on that next week.

Tomorrow I take over as president of the local American Culinary Federation chapter. Its not a job I originally wanted but good things can come of this. Hard to believe that I was nearly run out of the old town but the antiquated, small minded, talent impaired group that called themselves chefs and made up the local chapter. Honestly there were a few good ones in the group later on but the early guys like the idiot Frenchman whose name will not be mumbled here needed to get a life.

I have made two belated new years promises that I can mention here. The first is to eat what I want when I want. I think it’s good to have do-able goals.

Second I will work very hard in between lots of work, the dogs, Stacy and the beloved xbox to find the time to write weekly. I need to find my old Ernest Hemingway florida writing hat to put me in the mood.